8 Diatonic Intervals

Using the first 8 notes of the C major scale in Diagram 1 below, we can play 7 of the 8 diatonic intervals. (We have to break out of this scale pattern to play the unison and to play an alternative fingering for the major 2nd.) Try playing these intervals now.

Diagram 1
Diagram 1 - The C Major Scale

Major 2nd
Diagram 2a - a Major 2nd (C to D)

If you would like to play these two notes at the same time, try this fingering...

Major 2nd
Diagram 2b - a Major 2nd (C to D)

Major 3rd
Diagram 3 - a Major 3rd (C to E)

Perfect 4th
Diagram 4 - a Perfect 4th (C to F)

Perfect 5th
Diagram 5 - a Perfect 5th (C to G)

Major 6th
Diagram 6 - a Major 6th (C to A)

Major 7th
Diagram 7 - a Major 7th (C to B)

Perfect 8th or Octave
Diagram 8 - a Perfect 8th or Octave (C to C)

And now for the unison which is quite a stretch...

Perfect 1st or Unison
Diagram 9 - A Perfect 1st or Unison (C to C)

Now try using the scale pattern in Diagram 1 to play these intervals up an octave. No alternate fingerings will be required to do this. (You will, however, have to find a way to play the unison up an octave by going out of the pattern. It will be a similar stretch as in Diagram 9, but on the "B" and high "E" strings of the guitar.) Good luck!