8 Diatonic Intervals
Using the first 8 notes of the C major scale in Diagram 1 below, we can play 7 of the 8 diatonic
intervals. (We have to break out of this scale pattern to play the unison
and to play an alternative fingering for the major 2nd.) Try playing these intervals
Diagram 1 - The C Major Scale
Diagram 2a - a Major 2nd (C to D)
If you would like to play these two notes at the same time, try this fingering...
Diagram 2b - a Major 2nd (C to D)
Diagram 3 - a Major 3rd (C to E)
Diagram 4 - a Perfect 4th (C to F)
Diagram 5 - a Perfect 5th (C to G)
Diagram 6 - a Major 6th (C to A)
Diagram 7 - a Major 7th (C to B)
Diagram 8 - a Perfect 8th or Octave (C to C)
And now for the unison which is quite a stretch...
Diagram 9 - A Perfect 1st or Unison (C to C)
Now try using the scale pattern in Diagram 1 to play these intervals up an octave.
No alternate fingerings will be required to do this. (You will, however, have to find a
way to play the unison up an octave by going out of the pattern. It will be a similar
stretch as in Diagram 9, but on the "B" and high "E" strings of the guitar.) Good luck!