5 Pentatonic Patterns...
Now let's look at the 5 patterns for the A
minor pentatonic scale. These patterns should be memorized
as every great guitarist uses them extensively. I already presented the
first pattern in the previous lesson, but I will include it here again
so you can see all of the 5 patterns together.
Interesting Observations and Things Worth Mentioning...
All of the root notes (the "A" notes) are colored in purple while all
of the other notes are colored in blue.
The fingerings here are only recommendations, but they are very good
recommendations. As you can play a multitude of licks using these
patterns, your fingerings will change from the ones that are shown
here. These fingerings are particularly good for running these
scales up and down while practicing.
Each pattern has 2 notes per string.
If you look at each pattern you can see how they connect to each
other. Each 2nd note on any string of any particular pattern is the
first note of the next adjacent pattern. For instance, in pattern 5,
all the notes played with the 4th finger are the same notes as all
the notes played with the first finger in pattern 1.
David Gilmour has made millions of dollars playing these 5 patterns
over the entire span of his career.
So has Jimmy Page.
The last 2 previous bullet points should provide enough incentive to
practice these scales until you turn blue in the face or until "you
have blisters on your fingers."
Minor Pentatonic Analysis...
Now... I would be remiss if I did not show how each of these patterns
function in the context of a minor pentatonic scale. With time, you
should be able to know, and more
importantly, hear these intervals
relative to the root - in this case, relative to an
A note. Check it out:
Congratulations, if you've made it this far then you've finished all of the
beginning guitar lessons.
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